Locate the sea god.... in Basilisks eye
Hi , I’ve finished Basilisks eye, and really enjoyed it, I’m just trying to finish a couple of remaining quests. I can’t seem to find the entrance to find the sea god....I’ve searched, or sure I’ve searched , all round the west of the land....am now standing at smir the fisherman’s hut wondering what to do...any help is most welcome. Thanks
The sea god is in the Lost Lands. He's in the northeast there. You get there from a cave (hole in a wall) that's in the far south of Jamjehli Village. Look for a brownish brick wall and examine it's south. Amir was out in the sun too long. ^^
Many thanks for the help
Now just have to remember where to use the love points that I’ve accumulated!
And also karma points!....I’ve got a crap memory!
If memory serves, there is a place in Bithoor City where you can sell Karma Points.
I think the love points are from Horde I/ The Guru of Nirvana XP in Bithoor City will exchange xp for your karma points and a Karma Trader in the Old Dungeon who will exchange gold for karma.
Thanks for the help
Just have to dispose of the love points now, found the trader in Bithoor city. Thnx.
Yep, love points are from Horde 1...just need to find where to get rid of them...thnx
You need enough Love Points to get the bow from the Goddess of Love to do Moof's quest. I'm not sure anyone buys the leftowvers.
Okies gotcha, thnx