Hellheim Corpse Shoal

A lot of time I did not walk here !

What is the password we need to put on a container to free a hole I cannot enter

By the way Cat Felicitations for yours games always somptuous !


  • Hi, TioGil. Thank you. It's always nice to see you!

    You need the letter the password is written on. To get it, you need to climb down the hole in the northeast and find a fern. The way to the hole in the northeast is in the midsouth. Find the Dead Sailor, walk two paces south, Turn left, walk three paces , then walk north until you see the hole. It will be on your right.

  • edited November 2023

    Got it ! Thank you Cat

  • I can see the hole but there’s a really xx that keeps bouncing me back?

  • Ignore that, was looking at the wrong hole 🤦‍♀️ goid to see that even after all these years Lukos Law still exists 😹 ask a question, find solution two seconds later 😹

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