Struggling to get past Master of Cyclones

Please help. I am struggling to get past Master of Cyclones so can get the winds to enter Basilik’s Tower.

I have the Desert Shard, Ice Ginn’s Shard Gem, Frosty Twilight Gem, Glass Blower’s Shard Gem and Rooftop Shard Gem.

In addition, I have the Snake Charmers Flute and the Birdsong Lullabye.

Yet I do not know how to pass him


  • And I’ve also got the Scroll of Joining

  • is there an Ice Jimn’s Shard? I’ve got the Frosty Twilight Gem but cannot find the Ice Jinn’s Shard.

    Struggling to find the Courtyard of Tears in Ice Jinn’s home if this is the case

  • Also just noticed I’m missing the Earth Jinn’s shard.

    Please can you tell me location of Earth Jinn? I’ve covered the whole map but have had lo luck in locating it.

    Sorry for all these questions but you are such a very helpful Cat and I thank you so much for the help given over the years.

  • Cat. Please ignore all the questions above. Just found Phredd and obtained the relevant shards

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