Hero of Lukomorye IV - Argimon's Guide to his Castle

If you have any problems and this walkthrough doesn\'t help you send me a PM message.

The first two floors don\'t need any help. In the first you need to find some walls that could be set invisible, activate a few switches and kill some monsters. The second floor is about fighting - no need for help (maybe one advice: kill everything that moves before it kills you).

The third floor is a little bit different. You will find there monsters, tricky walls and last but not least nice puzzles.

I won\'t describe the way through the floor step by step, only how to solve the puzzles.

1) Four switches with tablets opposite them.

  • You need to find the right order in which to press the switches. The key to this puzzle is the text on the tablets opposite the switches. On each tablet is a name with title. You need to sort the titles alphabetically to get the right order.

For lazy players:

First puzzle solved.

2) Bubbles on the floor

  • Only thing you need to do is to cast Disarm on the bubbles. One disarm on the first, two on the second and (big surprise) three on the third bubbles.

3) Room with paintings

  • Here are three things you could do, find one key, reveal a secret room and talk with Mole Guard.

Key: you could find it by tapping on one of the paintings (north-west one). This key is needed to open the doors to Torture Chamber.
Mole: see below.
Secret room: you need to cast a spell on one of the walls to set the wall invisible. The wall is in the north-east part of the room, near the candles on the wall. Behind that wall could be a force field (how to lower it is described below). Behind the force field is the shelf with the Mole Dagger (take it, you will need it later).

4) Mole guards

  • One is in the room with paintings and the second one is at the end of the main corridor (the one you started the floor in). You need to talk with them. After you talk to both of them, you will be able to set invisible one wall (with the Mole Dagger) - this wall is at the end of corridor that leads to the Torture Chamber.

5) Room with spider\'s webs.

  • There are candles in the main corridor. Opposite them is wall that leads to this room. Simply cast any spell on the wall. In the room are spider\'s webs, if you want to destroy them use fireball. Interesting things in this room are button, note with number and shelf with disarm, unlock and some money.

Switch: by activation of this switch you will lower the force field in the secret room in the room with paintings.
Note: you will need it later.
Shelf: in front of this shelf is a blood screen that lets you access the shelf only if you have low health (around 20hp).

6) Torture chamber

  • Only thing you need to do in this room is to find a key. Simply examine bodies at the end of this room. The key will unlock a door that leads to the room opposite the torture chamber.

7) Room with wells

  • You need to find the right combination here. Help are decorations on the walls.

For lazy people:
Water and Poison

This puzzle will lower force fields behind the wall that is set invisible by the Mole Dagger.

8) Corridor behind the mole wall.

  • To leave this corridor you have to find a wall, that could be set invisible (you have to use the unlock spell). The wall is near candles on the wall.

9) Room with spheres

  • There are four spheres; five switches belong to each sphere. Your task is to activate the right number of switches in each pentad. The color of the spheres should help you to find the right numbers. But first thing you need to do is activate each pentad of switches. Each pentad could be activated with the same switch as the others.

Spheres help:

  • Help is the color of the spheres.
    For example: Blue sphere. Word blue has four letters, so for this sphere you need to activate four switches. The same goes for the other spheres.

More help:

  • Before you start solving the puzzle, all swicthes have to be deactivated.

First thing you need to do is activate all the north and south switches. Message \"Switches activated.\" should appear (for each of the switches). Next thing you have to do is to activate right number of switches in each pentad. Help are the colors of the spehers in the corners (each sphere belong to one of the pentads).

Green - activate 5 switches
Red - activate 3 switches
Blue - activate 4 switches

If you activate right number of swicthes in each pentad a message \"Click\" should appear.

After you solve all five the door at the end of the room will be opened.

10) Six switches after the sphere\'s room

  • You need to find right combination in which you have to activate the switches. There are tables with numbers that should help you to find the combination.

Right combination:

  • switch next to the table with 1
  • siwtch between switches 4 and 2
  • switch 2
  • swicth 3
  • switch between 3 and 1
  • switch 4

11) Letters puzzle

  • There\'s a series of switches. You could access only two (one pair) in one moment. When you press a switch you will see a message with a letter (switch is down). When you press a switch again (switch is up) you will be teleported to another pair of switches. The letters of the switches should put together a word.

Key word: argimon

More help:

  • When you activate a switch a message with letter appears. When you use the switch for the second time you will be teleported to another part of the puzzle.

All you have to do is (starting with switch with letter \'A\': activate switch, read the message, use the switch again (if the message has right letter).

If you have done everything correctly, after you use the switch with letter \'N\' you will be teleported out of the puzzle.

12) Vault

  • During your way you should find three notes with numbers, they are key to the vault.

That\'s all the puzzles you need to solve to complete the dungeon.


  • Hi Cat, another wonderful expansion.
    I got stuck on the sphere\switches and found this guide but for some reason no matter how i follow it - nothing happens.
    I make sure all switches are deactivated, then activate just the 'master' switches (no particular order). But then no matter which pentad i try, and activate switches based on sphere - I don't get the desired 'click'. BTW red=3 means 3 besides the main switch?

  • These are Argimon's instructions:
    "Before you start solving the puzzle, all swicthes have to be deactivated.
    First thing you need to do is activate all the north and south switches. Message \"Switches activated.\" should appear (for each of the switches). Next thing you have to do is to activate right number of switches in each pentad. Help are the colors of the spehers in the corners (each sphere belong to one of the pentads).
    Green - activate 5 switches
    Red - activate 3 switches
    Blue - activate 4 switches
    If you activate right number of swicthes in each pentad a message \"Click\" should appear.
    After you solve all five the door at the end of the room will be opened."

    So you have to activate the north and south switches first.
    Then you have to activate the right number of switches in each section:
    Red--three switches
    Blue--four switches
    Green - five switches

    that's for the number of letters in each color.
    You start with each and every switch deactivated.

    Turn on all the north and south switches--You get message "Switches activated"

    Start with the red globe switches which are to the northeast. You already activated the middle switch. Turn any TWO of the other switches in that section on. Doesn't matter which ones. So you have a total of THREE switches on there.

    Go to the blue globe switches which are to the southeast.
    You already activated the middle switch. Turn any THREE of the other switches there on. Doesn't matter which ones. So you have a total of FOUR switches on there.

    Go to the red globe switches which are to the southwest.
    You already activated the middle switch. Turn any TWO of the other switches there on. Doesn't matter which ones. So you have a total of THREE switches on there.

    Then go to the green sphere section which is the northwestern section, you already activated the middle switch, Turn any Four of the other switches there on.
    So you have a total of FIVE switches on there.

    The door should then open. I just tested this.

  • I tried following the above instructions exactly but the door still does not open. What am I doing wrong?

  • edited June 2019

    I don't know how to explain it any simpler. Maybe detail for me what you did. Start over if necessary. Put all the switches up and then tell me what you do.

    Do you get the message all switches activated? If yes, then it's something after that.

  • Hi,
    I have the same problem. I did this in the exact order you said, no click, no open door. 🤔🤔
  • It works. Just try again.

  • Yes, it works!!! 😉😉
  • I'm so happy! :)

  • After giving back her jewelry to Hermione is it all for agimon s dungeon?
  • Ok never mind, did the tower and killed the deathless !
    What to do now...
  • Did anyone have success with this as I’m experiencing same issue. Reloaded from different ave points and still no luck. Followed guide to the letter. I get switches activated message and then nothing no matter what I do.

  • It worked for me. Give it a few more tries and if you have no luck, post here and I'll try to do an update that makes the door lock pickable. Nothing should be that frustrating.

  • Oh thanks Cat. That would really help. I’ve tried it so many times from many different save points and no luck. I think I spent about 3 hours last night before finally giving up and moving on to Basilisk’s Eye. Frustrating that I can’t complete the game so yes a pickable lock would be fabulous.
    Thank you for such amazing games and your never ending support. Legend :)

  • edited January 2020

    Post and you shall receive. Was hoping this would happen. It finally worked. I swear I tried it over a hundred times. Woo hoo. Such a good feeling.
    Thanks again Cat😻

  • I must ask! How do i get into the second Floor? All switches pressed, all fake walls removed. Argimon said that i am pathetic and no door or stairs or something.
  • There is a hole in the midwest but you can only use it if you have solved the quest "Find Kozney's Death" and the quest "Find Dr. Vlad" and you have one of Argimon's belts: Life, Death or Chaos.

  • Ah, Thanks :)
  • edited November 2020

    no luck here... it’s interesting that none of the puzzles worked for me on the third floor. the mole knife didn’t open the wall, disarm didn’t loose the bubbles, teleporting lanterns didn’t teleport and color switches didn’t open the door. i could somwhat bypass them all but i guess not this one.

  • edited November 2020

    It sounds like you have a glitch of some kind. One teleporting lantern I just fixed but everything else should work fine. About the bubbles, you can't stand on the bubbles and cast the spell disarm, you have to stand in front of them and cast the spell.

  • I figured out the sphere room! While following the instruction I read them to say first activate each of the 4 sets of switches, then go back and activate the remaining switches in the pentad to correspond to the sphere color. No matter how many times I did that it would not work. However…if I activated one set of switches and then switch the remaining needed in that pentad I would get the ‘click’ needed. Then move to the next pentad, activate, then flip the necessary switches, and so on. Then it opened the door. BTW, if there was an update to pick the door lock, I didn’t have that option.

    A couple other notes…on the bubbles I was able to disarm the first one but not the second. But tapping the candle to teleport got me to where I needed to finish the job. I also could not break the wall with the mole dagger but again tapping the right objects got me to/from where I needed to go.

  • So just a question here, I finished the baby quest, got the sword and fought Argimon in the room that Silvergirl was in and finished him (I think) in the room where Ginny is. When I get to the last room with the teleporter is it takes me back to where I entered the last room. Silvergirl never came to the rescue, so did I miss something or did I finish it with out getting Silvergirl dead ? And I am in the new HD version

  • You never fight Silvergirl. She asks you to spare his life but doesn't defend him.

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