Stuck in Basilisk’s Tower
Hello. The Zoo is done, but I’m stuck in this place in the Basilisk’s Tower. The three switches to the north of me reveal/hide the teleported to the south but I can’t get them to do anything else, I’ve tried loads of combinations. From a map you put in another thread, I suspect a second teleporter is supposed to appear to the south but west of the other one, ie down the parallel corridor?
It was sneaky. Behind the teleporter that shows up in the pic, there is a secret switch. You can tap it when the tele is invisible or throw a weapon at it when the teleporter is visible. That switch sets the second teleporter visible.
I had seen that and tried to shoot at it, but nothing happened (or with a throwing star). I didn’t have the brains to think about hiding the teleporter first
Through to next bit now!
That's ok. : )